About Envirolink Land & Water Specialists
About Our Team Of Environmental Specialists
Envirolink's experienced and friendly team are here to help you.
About Envirolink
Envirolink was established in 1988 and experienced steady growth in its areas of expertise. As of 29 January 2021 the business has passed to two new owners:
David Carlson-McColl a Tasman domiciled civil engineer who previously operated Flow Environments Ltd and Martyn O’Cain, also Tasman based, who has operated Tasman Environmental Management for the past 10 years. Dave and Marty have brought their previous operations under the Envirolink umbrella.
Dave & Marty are keen to maintain and develop relationships with both existing and future clients. There have been a lot of changes in the freshwater industry under NES and NPSFM which are presenting challenges and changes to water users across the industry, in particular the primary sector. Both Marty and Dave bring new skill sets and experience to enhance and broaden Envirolink’s capability to meet these challenges.
Its growing list of clients includes forestry and mining companies, primary producers, power companies, local and regional authorities, and a host of individual clients.
Currently with a technical staff of eight, the practice has developed links with other individuals and organisations where additional skills and experience is required.
By networking in this way, Envirolink has been able to undertake a wide range of projects in a most cost effective manner.
David Carlson-McColl
David is a Chartered Professional Engineer (CP.Eng) with over 15 years of experience in the design and construction of civil infrastructure. David brings a broad perspective to projects having worked across the consulting and government sectors in Australia and New Zealand. Working for both Nelson City and Tasman District Councils, and organisations across the public and private sector, David has extensive experience across the Nelson Tasman region. David has long term working relationships with industry professionals in the Engineering and Land Development sectors to help successfully deliver your next project.
Josh Large
Josh is a Civil Engineer with 20 years' experience, primarily in the three waters and flood protection fields. He has a broad range of skills and experience including project management, design, onsite construction monitoring and contract management, with a good knowledge of NZS3910. Josh has a background working in local government so has a good understanding of Council processes and drivers. He is proficient in the use of Civil3D for design and utilises HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software for stormwater and flood inundation modelling. Josh’s range of skills and desire to deliver good, practical solutions along with his strong working relationships with numerous local contractors and consulting professionals, will contribute to the successful delivery of your project.
Martyn O’Cain
Martyn is an Environmental Scientist with over 20 years experience in environmental monitoring and site investigations. He specialises in contaminated land investigations under the NES for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health. Projects include the preparation and certification of preliminary site investigations, detailed site investigations, site management plans, remedial action plans and validation reports associated with contaminated land assessments. Martyn is a 'suitably qualified and experienced practitioner' (SQEP). He has a Masters (1st Class) degree in Environmental Science, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management, and is a Certified Environmental Practitioner specialising in Contaminated Sites (CEnvP CS).
Kelly Leonard
Kelly is a Senior Environmental Consultant with ten years experience in environmental management, monitoring, and advisory roles with a focus on large scale industrial clients and within the Port industry. Kelly also has seven years of varied Project Management experience including successful delivery of complex contaminated site remediation projects, environmental projects, and 3 Waters Engineering projects. Kelly brings a solutions focussed approach to her clients, and has experience in managing multidisciplinary and virtual project teams. Kelly holds a Bachelor of Science Degree.
Rebecca Colvin
Rebecca is an Environmental Scientist with 12 years of experience, specialising in contaminated land risk assessment, management, and remediation. Rebecca has worked in the UK, Auckland and is now based in Blenheim. Rebecca has worked on complex contaminated sites and has successfully designed and managed remediation projects on a variety of land uses. Rebecca can provide planning advice and has completed numerous resource consent applications as she has a good working knowledge of local and national regulations. Rebecca is a 'suitably qualified and experienced practitioner' (SQEP). She has a Masters (1st Class) in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, is a Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Certified Environmental Practitioner (CenvP)’.
Isabel Challies
Isabel is an Environmental Scientist with a master’s degree Applied Environmental Geoscience. She has experience in contaminated site assessment, wastewater and stormwater design, having worked across the Canterbury and Tasman regions. Isabel enjoys supporting clients to navigate the complexities of environmental compliance.
Kieran Scott
Kieran is a Field Hydrologist and Environmental Monitoring Specialist with 18 years' experience within the Local Government and Crown Research Institute sectors. He has an in-depth knowledge of the water resources across the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions, and broad practical experience in environmental data collection, analysis and reporting, including use of Hilltop software. Kieran has contributed successfully to small and large-scale research and monitoring projects, including flow measurement through constructed wetlands, land use and sediment-runoff studies, water quality monitoring for the aquaculture industry, climate and groundwater investigations.
Corina Stebbings
Corina is a vastly experienced Field Hydrology Technician, beginning her career with the Ministry of Works, Nelson in 1985. Corina accepted a transfer to NIWA Hamilton following sector restructures of the early 1990’s, before returning to the Nelson region in 2003 to join Envirolink. Corina can specify, install, operate and maintain environmental monitoring instrumentation appropriate to clients’ needs in accordance with industry best practice and NZ National Environmental Monitoring Standards (NEMS). This includes river and stream flow measurement, rain gauge operation, groundwater monitoring, bore pump and yield testing. Corina is Irrigation New Zealand ‘Blue Tick’ accredited for water meter verifications required by the Resource Management (Measuring and Reporting of Water Takes) Regulations 2010.